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WHA's Medical & Dental Mission in Palawan, Philippines is complete! Our 11 volunteer doctors, dentists and logistics personnel from the US and Vietnam are home or on to the next part of their personal travels. We are sharing some of their journey in their own words in the blogs below. See PHOTOS and read more below!

Your financial support for this and future Missions is critical. You make it possible for WHA to serve those who need the medical and dental care our team provides. Please consider a donation. Click here to donate online or mail a check to WHA at the address below. World Health Ambassador is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law. Thank you!


If you are interested in volunteering for an upcoming Mission, visit our Volunteer page.

2024 WHA Philippines Medical & Dental Mission

Day 1 and 2 on Palawan merged together… because I am still jet lagged... (2 days in the life of a WHA Mission by Uyen Lam, MD)

Day 1 we revisited the nuns at Holy Trinity University in Puerto Princesa. Our specialists shared an educational program on HIV, Upper GI Disorders, ACS, and Peridontal Health for 2nd year nursing students (3 yr program). Next… visit to Palawan Medical School also in Puerto Princesa. The inaugural class and founding Dean took a picture with our team. They have 15 students, 14 females and 1 male, all under scholarship as part of a governmental initiative to improve access to medical care on the island. Talk about Girl Power! Next class they can have up to 50 students.

Day 2 Medical/Dental clinic in Labog. The village children welcomed our WHA team with their band and adorable dance before the work began. Local officials and DPH helped with the set up, villagers were screened and ready to be seen promptly at 9 am. The makeshift exam table turned me into the Ultrasound Queen… thought I was just scanning hearts but we scanned thyroids all the way down to bladders/prostates. Dr. Leoncio, our partner, a general surgeon, owner of Leoncio General Hospital, and a man with a kind heart, taught me all the tricks so I’m ready to scan for our upcoming clinics. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

IM saw a 79 year old lady complaining of shortness of breath and dizziness with exertion. She was sent to my station for ECG and cardiology consult. ECG showed complete heart block with a junctional rhythm in the 35-40 range. My reflexive reaction… patient has symptomatic heart block… she needs a hospital and pacemaker. Mr. Ong our local coordinator astutely suggested we speak to the family as villagers have no financial resources and will not be able to pay for a pacemaker. Patient’s QRS complexes were narrow, echo normal cardiac function, and no heart failure symptoms. I think she will be alright for a short-long while. The best we could offer was make a diagnosis, explain the condition, and give patient precautionary instructions to prevent injury. Times like these truly highlight global health disparities and why organizations like WHA still exist. Please pick your NGO and consider donating today. What a privilege it is to have not only access to medical care, but more importantly treatment options. Imagine sending someone home with no treatment plan in the US, Canada, or Europe?

The Dental Team worked hard as usual and probably saw all the village children. The DPH/Palawan Dental Society also partnered with us and brought their cool Mobile Dental Clinic. Has 2 chairs and they efficiently extracted teeth for 30+ patients free of charge in under 2 hours. Talk about efficiency! Have you had your dental care recently? If not, I’ll be happy to send a referral.

Well that’s all for now...Time for some sleep. Tomorrow we move on to another village.

- Dr. Uyen Lam

Through the Mission, we have been honored to work with medical students as well as our colleagues from the Palawan Medical Association and the Philippine Dental Society - Palawan Chapter. Following are reflections from individuals we had the opportunity to work with this past mission week.

From Reagan, HTU Student:


I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you.

To all the incredible doctors who have placed their trust, who have been our pillars of strength throughout this journey of volunteering for medical missions of World Health Ambassador, I want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to all of you. Your belief in me has been a source of immense motivation and inspiration (as a translator for Doctor Doanh and assigned for taking vital signs).

Your trust in my abilities has given me the confidence to step forward and to be the best that I can be.

Your encouragement has pushed me to go beyond my limits and give my best in all aspects.

As I continue on this journey of volunteering for medical missions for World Health Ambassador, I carry with me the trust and faith you have placed in me.

Your Expertise, Compassion, Kindness and Dedication were truly remarkable and I am deeply grateful for EVERYTHING.

Have a safe flight and enjoy the rest of the day here in Palawan, Philippines.

Can’t wait to see you’ll once again. 

Thank you once again for your trust, Believe and encouragement.



- Reagan

As our team traveled home, Dr. Doanh Lu, the Medical Director of this WHA Mission, expressed our appreciation and gratitude for our Mission partner, Dr. Narciso Leoncio, founder of Leoncio General Hospital, Brooke's Point, Palawan, Philippines:

We are lucky to have Dr. Narciso Leoncio as our local partner on this mission. A native of Palawan, Dr. Leoncio returned to his hometown after his surgical training to respond to the tremendous needs of the people here.

After a stint as Mayor of Brooke's Point, which is a story on its own, he built a hospital bearing his name, which expanded to become the largest private hospital in Southern Palawan.

We met him last August. Little did we know he would be the best local partner we had ever had. [On this mission] he mobilized his entire nursing staff to man the pharmacy section for the duration of the mission. He organized the local doctors to work alongside us, including himself. Even his wife was enlisted for a day! When the dental team needed an autoclave, he brought over one from his hospital, still in the box! When the pregnant patients couldn't get to the next village to see the OB doctor because they didn't have money for the bus ride, he provided a van for them! Lastly, as a testament of his professional versatility, he even taught our Dr. Uyen a few tricks on the ultrasound. I have never met a surgeon who could perform ultrasound from the thyroid to the prostate! The exclamation marks are deliberate because we were just so impressed and appreciative, and Dr. Leoncio deserves it.

We hope this is the beginning of a long lasting partnership in the years to come with our work on this beautiful island.

- Dr. Doanh Lu

Dr. Cindy Vu, dentist and first-time WHA Mission volunteer, reflects on her experiences in Palawan, Philippines:

Beyond Borders: World Health Ambassador's Journey to Restore Smiles and Renew Hope 


Our Mission focused on underserved areas with limited access to healthcare resources, particularly in oral health. Alongside providing dental treatments, we emphasized education to promote oral hygiene practices and raise awareness about dental health. From the moment of our arrival, we were warmly welcomed by everyone we encountered— from nursing students, respected principals of nursing and medical schools, and local doctors, to authorities and even the curious, playful local children who greeted us with smiles.


Each day, we eagerly rose early to provide dental care to those in need. Locals greeted us warmly, eager for treatment. In makeshift dental clinics with limited equipment, we adapted and found creative solutions to challenges. Despite the sweltering heat, the gratitude and smiles of our patients fueled us with a shared purpose and deep fulfillment. Our diverse group of eleven individuals, hailing from different corners of the world, seamlessly united in our common goal of helping and bringing joy to those in need.


Each evening, we reflected on our experiences and the impact of our work. Despite our small group, we were humbled by the privilege of making a difference in the lives of those we treated. 


As days passed, I became fully immersed in the local culture, forming deep connections with fellow volunteers and the people we served. As the mission trip concluded, I felt a mix of emotions - gratitude for the opportunity to serve, sadness at leaving those I've grown to care for, and hope for positive change.


This experience left a lasting impression on me, reinforcing my commitment to serving others and inspiring me to continue making a difference. The bonds forged with my fellow volunteers and the community endure long after the trip ended. This mission trip has been transformative, challenging, and profoundly rewarding, deepening my understanding of global health disparities and strengthening my commitment to service. Though this was my first mission trip, it certainly won't be my last. Together, with my like-minded companions, we discovered the true essence of the proverb: "the time you give is the time you receive the most blessings." 


- Dr. Cindy Vu 

  Philippines Dental Mission | April 2024 

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Our thanks to all who supported WHA's

Happy Hour Reunion on October 21st

We had a most amazing time and a wonderful turnout. Special thanks to our Sponsors, donors and all who attended. We look forward to sharing information with you about our upcoming 2024 Medical & Dental Mission to the Philippines and our WHA Gala taking place in the fall of 2024.


VOLUNTEER - World Health Ambassador (WHA) welcomes volunteers to its team for our next Medical & Dental Mission. Additionally we are looking for volunteers to support fundraisers and the WHA administrative team in several capacities. Please CLICK HERE or on the JOIN US button below for information and to fill out our Volunteer & Support form. Someone from our team will follow up as soon as possible.

DONATE - Additionally, if you are able to support our programs through a donation, please click below to offer a financial gift to WHA today. World Health Ambassador is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Suffering is less when we are there to help...


Palawan, Philippines WHA Medical & Dental Mission
Web Blog & Photo Gallery, April 2024

Your support allowed us to provide medical and dental procedures for

over 1400 people on our last 2-week Medical and Dental Mission to Myanmar.


WHA volunteers are honored to have served alongside our colleagues in Myanmar and are grateful to YOU for your support! Read more in our Myanmar Mission Blog.

THANK YOU from our hearts to yours - for helping so many in Myanmar!
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